29.3 C
New York
Monday, July 22, 2024

Texas House advances bill to ban sexual acts in front of minors after removing mention of drag

The Texas House advanced a bill that would ban certain sexually oriented performances from being done in front of minors.

Senate Bill 12, which passed to the third reading on Friday, restricts these performances on public property, on the premises of a commercial business or in the presence of children under 18-years-old.

The legislation was originally written to restrict or ban drag shows in the state, but language prohibiting drag was removed after such a move was found to be unconstitutional.

The bill also prohibits people who control the premises of the business from allowing these performances in front of minors. Owners who violate this rule would be liable for a $10,000 penalty for each offense.

Prohibited sexual acts under the bill include the exhibition or representation, actual or simulated, of sexual acts, including vaginal sex, anal sex, and masturbation; male or female genitals in a lewd state, including a state of sexual stimulation or arousal; the exhibition of a device designed and marketed as useful primarily for the sexual stimulation of male or female genitals; or actual contact or simulated contact occurring between one person and the buttocks, breast, or any part of the genitals of another person. 


Drag Queen performing

Drag Queen and trans woman Maxine LaQueene performing drag in Texas. (Screenshot/YouTube)

The bill defines “sexually oriented performance” as a nude performer or any other performer who engages in sexual conduct and appeals to the interest of sex.

If passed, the bill would go into effect in September.

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